tea ceremony

Contemporary Temporary by loosejoints vol.7

Tea ceremony at Cibone Omotesando
2022.10.21(fri) - 2022.11.20(sun)

For about a year, <Contemporary Temporary> has been trying to explore the next contemporary form while changing the theme once every two months, while temporarily developing contemporary things related to culture and life.

The theme of the final episode is "tea ceremony".

In this day and age where it is difficult to see the red future, I think we need more opportunities to enrich our daily lives by enjoying tea, and to spend time with our loved ones.

During these days of contemplation, the tea masters I met were smart and casual, and had a good balance of wildness and intelligence.
The garden greenery, flowers, moss, works of art, vessels, furniture, and daily necessities in that space. We were totally blown away by their love for each and every thing, their sincere attitude, and their deep perspective.

Mr. Takahiro Ishii, a ceramic artist who has worked on wonderful tea utensils, and Mr. Shingo Abe, who has designed various spaces and comforts from the Zushi Kaigan Film Festival to <Contemporary Temporary>, were invited as guest curators. , We propose a “WAY OF LIFE” unique to <loosejoints> with the tea ceremony as the entrance.

This time, we asked Mr. Shuntaro Kondo and Mr. Takahiro Ishii, tea masters who have expanded the world of tea from a rich perspective, to select tea utensils, pottery artists, tea and contemporary art. In addition, in order to have more people enjoy the tea ceremony from a <loosejoints> interpretation, Sugimoto Pharmacy, who runs a Chinese medicine pharmacy in Ofuna, has an original blend of Chinese medicine tea, and herbs that arrange the space by a modern witch who thinks about harmony with nature. We also have During the exhibition period, tea workshops, Chinese medicine tea stands, Halloween bars, etc. will also appear.

Please drop in at Omotesando in the beautiful season and seek a rich time to spend with the tea ceremony.

from loosejoints

Shuntaro Kondo (Leader of Avant-garde Tea Ceremony) @avacha
Sugimoto Pharmacy (Kampo tea) @sugimoto.ph
WM (convenience store for modern witches) @wm.witches_convenistore

Contemporary Temporary by loosejoints vol.7

Period: October 21, 2022 (Friday) to November 20, 2022 (Sunday)

Location: CIBONE (Omotesando)
Business hours: 11:00-20:00

[Guest Curator]
Shingo Abe (space designer) @shingoabe
Takahiro Ishii (ceramic artist)

#cibone #loosejoints @cibone_tokyo