Chris Bianchi
Chris Bianchi (1977) Graphic Artist born on the island of Malta and has been residing in London for the past 25 years. Chris is a founder member of ground breaking Le Gun Magazine and also the Le Gun collective,
He is also the founder of iconic newspaper Bare Bones. Chris graduated from the Royal College of Art in London in 2005 and has since held exhibits around the world and has self published a few books. He works commercially as well as being a fine artist in his own right. Clients he has worked for include : Dr Martin’s. H, Top shop, Nike, GQ Magazine, Channel 4, Guardian, and Brewdog.
マルタ島生まれのグラフィック・アーティスト。25年前からロンドンに在住。画期的なLe Gun MagazineとLe Gun collectiveの創設メンバー。また、アイコニックなニュースペーパー「ベアボーン」の創刊者でもある。2005年にロンドンのロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートを卒業後、世界各地で展覧会を開催し、本も出版。これまでに、ドクターマーチンズ、HP、トップショップ、ナイキ、GQマガジンなどのグラフィックを手がける。